Robert Koot
Content Manager
4 min read
7 March 2024
Unlock your growth potential with RPA
If Robotic Process Automation (RPA) isn’t in your digital toolbox yet, you’re missing out. This technique can add value for every organization. In fact, you’ll be gaining value in multiple ways. Not only does RPA help you execute your business processes much faster, you’ll also be able to improve customer value and take on a more sustainable approach to spending the time and energy of your employees. Not convinced just yet? We’ll tell you why RPA is so valuable.
RPA works on every system, application or portal
Nobody likes processes that require lots of manual and repetitive work. These tasks take up too much time and are often full of human errors. However, these processes still occur frequently in practice. Why?
- Usage of wide variety of systems;
- More and more SaaS applications show up that are not self-managed;
- Many source systems are dated or ancient;
- These types of systems are made for managing data, not for exchanging data;
- Due to this, these systems are unable to communicate with one another.
The result? Humans need to manually process the data from one system to another. Is this efficient? No it isn’t.
In order to process ten times more orders, you need ten times as many human resources. Wouldn’t it be nice to have just one additional digital colleague to perform all of this work? And what if you could achieve this without having to upgrade or replace your existing application landscape? That’s what every organization wants.
Data-driven & RPA
Manual repetitive processes don’t only take up time, you’ll also miss out on opportunities to act quickly on changes. Operating in a data driven manner is becoming essential, since it’s important to act on the needs of your customers. To do this, it’s crucial to ensure that all data is complete and accurate and that it can be processed quickly.
Of course, a condition for data driven operations is that you need data to work with. By automating your processes, you collect that data. Subsequently, you can perform extensive analyses on that data. You can read more about that here. The suggested actions that emerge from these analyses can immediately be performed by a robot. This way, you can make use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence within your primary business processes. And that’s without having to perform a multi-year data analysis project.
Get a return on investment for RPA within a year
More and more, businesses rely on their IT departments to digitize and automate. Without IT, everything would stagnate. But IT usually doesn’t have enough capacity to act on each and every request. Additionally, large planned IT projects are often prioritized above innovative business projects. This results in an endless list of good ideas that are just waiting to be picked up. But there’s no time for them.
That’s why you want to look for a solution that can be developed quickly and that needs little to no time or input from your IT department. RPA is a perfect fit here. Little IT support is necessary. Instead, business can take the lead and act quickly. On average, an RPA project has a throughput time of just four weeks. Due to having such a short development cycle, the costs of development are low. This leads to a great return on investment.
On average, we see an ROI of 6-12 months
Sustainable growth by leveraging RPA
Every organization wants to grow. More clients. More orders. More invoices. With that, there’s also more purchase orders, more service and more communication. This increase in volume can’t always be sustained. Additionally, new employees also aren’t always easy to find. Moreover, this growth often isn’t constant, which leads to peaks in workloads. How do you handle this?
For a robot, processing a hundred extra orders on a day, maybe even a thousand, is a piece of cake. If it’s necessary, it’ll just keep on working at night. By ensuring that you automate your important processes, you’ll be able to achieve sustainable growth and quickly respond to change. Moreover, you create uniformity within your process and your data. This allows you to analyze better.
Let’s meet
Convinced of the value of RPA? Or would you like to discuss with one of our consultants how RPA robots can help your organization? No problem! Fill in the form below or contact Floris Weegink at [email protected]

Do you want to know more?
Floris Weegink
Field CTO