Case Coop Supermarkets

Innovating omnichannel with Coop

IndustriesFMCG and Food Services
ServiceCustomer Experience
TechnologiesGoogle Cloud

With more than 300 locations in the Netherlands, and a webshop that increased revenue from Day 1, Coop was already offering an outstanding omnichannel experience. But one online success leads to another. So the supermarket chain wanted an app that would bring its offering even closer to customers. All the way into the kitchen.


Coop wanted to launch a grocery-shopping app that can do everything you'd expect. Allow you to search the entire assortment, save shopping lists, fill a shopping cart and pay. Super handy, but not much more than a webshop in app form. We wanted more!

The biggest advantage of a smartphone? It's always with you. In the kitchen too, for example where you're constantly using a ton of ingredients. That's why we came up with a clever little extra, to help you effortlessly maintain your supply levels.


Coop likes to ride the momentum. And so do we, which works out great. So while we were implementing software to take Coop’s web shop to the next level, we also started developing the Coop app. Pedal to the metal in the fast lane, to get an MVP live in record time.

Meanwhile, we also experimented with the image recognition software. After a successful demo presentation, Coop decided on the spot: We want it! Within three weeks, we took the innovative Product Scanner from concept to complete working service.


We built a Smart Product Scanner with Google Cloud’s image recognition software. A version that recognizes anything from the supermarket. Just before you beat your last egg, you take a picture and a new carton is added to your shopping list.

Joris DijkstraBusiness Developer at Incentro

Forget old-fashioned paper lists and say goodbye to random browsing in the web shop. The more you use the Coop app, the faster you’re done. Because it learns your preferences.

Incentro isn’t about ‘code and quit’. We work closely together, and Incentro dove deep into our customers’ journey, and offered its own ideas for improvement. We really appreciate that, because we can’t always see everything ourselves.

Jop van SommerenManager at Coop
The results
FMCG and Food Services
Customer Experience Omnichannel technology Omnichannel Omnichannel technology Web & App Development
Google Cloud
Project team
Project team
Karsten Marijnissen
Bryan Vink
Huib de Graaf
Rogier van den Brink