Utrecht - Thursday, May 20, 2021 - The mini-documentary Commit is a summary of the life of Roos Zwetsloot (20) as an Olympic skateboarder. Roos is committed to an Olympic medal with a 'work hard, play hard attitude'. She will be active next summer at the Olympic Games in Tokyo, when the sport skateboarding will be on the program for the first time in history.

In Commit Roos Zwetsloot gives a peek into her life as a person and athlete. It showcases how everything began and how an injury changed everything. It also shows how hard work and dedication should lead to an Olympic medal. It is the story of a disciplined athlete who, with the support of her family and friends, deals with disappointments and celebrates successes.

One of the final steps before her participation in the Olympics isthe Dew Tour. This competition takes place from Thursday, May 20 to Sunday, May 23. Here the last qualification points for Tokyo 2021 can be won. Following on this Commit premiered online on Thursday, May 20.

Incentro has a partnership with the Skateboard Federation Netherlands (SFN) since 2018. In addition, Incentro sponsors skateboarders Candy Jacobs, Roos Zwetsloot, Douwe Macaré and Rob Maatman. With this, Incentro tries to give attention to the sport of skateboarding and the culture of skateboarding in general. Incentro pays attention to this by making mini-documentaries about the skateboarders, building skateboard community apps and managing a skate website.