Working with an outdated core system for a long time has a negative impact on your business. In this blog, we list the consequences for you.
Is your core system past its prime? Do you think that the system is due for replacement? We get it! Yet the harmful effects of an inadequate core system outweigh the amount of resources you need to replace it. In this blog, we'll tell you more about what happens if you don't take care of your core system.
Outdated custom solutions
Did you implement a custom core system years ago, but it no longer functions adequately? This creates technical barriers and nobody wants to work with it anymore. Updates cost you a lot of time, if they are carried out at all. In addition, support from the supplier will also expire soon. In any case: your software is becoming obsolete.
Deep down, you know that the business can move faster and that you are currently held back by IT. Only, a new core system takes time, money and people: resources that are already scarce.
Inadequate standard solution
It could also be that you opted for a standard solution, 80% of which has exactly the right functionality for your organization. Yet you are very aware of the missing 20% (and so are your colleagues), because the system is just not enough. Because your colleagues have to get to work anyway, they put all sorts of interim solutions in place themselves. Think of error-prone Excel documents or all sorts of unsafe peripheral applications, which do not solve the problem of your core system either. What's more: they actually create more risks!
How long will this go well?
Whether it's outdated custom systems or an incomplete standard solution; in both situations, you as an IT manager lose the overview and control. You worry about what the future looks like and when things will go wrong with your IT systems. This frustrates and bothers you. How long can this situation last? And what are the consequences?
Consequences of a non-functioning core system
Short term
Friction between the business and IT
No room for innovation
System maintenance costs too much time, money, and manpower
The job satisfaction of your developers drops
Long term
The flexibility disappears from your business
Customers complain about technical issues that you cannot solve
You let forced opportunities to pass you by
Competitors and startups run off with your customers
Your market share shifts and evaporates
Incentro Legacy Killer webinar
Good news: it doesn't have to be this way. There is a solution to these problems. A flexible, future-proof core system that you never have to replace. For which you don't have to perform expensive updates every year and don't need any intermediate solutions.
To do this, you do need to dare to think and look at things differently. Replacing your core system is not easy, but we know it can be done. Are you ready for it? And do you dare to take the step? Get in contact with us and we tell you how to choose a future-proof and flexible core system.