This app allows for asynchronous publishing of field-level localised entries. The Contentful Marketplace App is a demo version and has a maximum of 5 localisations, which can be asynchronously published. The full version of the app has no locale limitations and offers async publication of child entries as well.

If you are interested in the full version please contact us at
[email protected].

  • Asynchronous publishing of 5 translations 

  • Contentful version control per locale

  • Labeling of localized content from version control

  • Locale/Market groups

(full version)

  • Publishing of unlimited languages

  • Asynchronous publishing of child entries

For more information on the full premium app please contact us at [email protected].

Do you need more (custom) features to manage your publication process? We would love to have a look at your specific situation. We can support with topics like:

- Integration with Contentful workflow
- Content Firewall Settings for strict content governance
- Governance per User/Role (E.g.: publishing)
- Audit trail

a-sync localiser app thumb.png

In Contentful click on the “Content Model” tab and select your content-type: 

  • Click on the tab “Entry editors” to open “Entry editors configuration” and add the “A-sync Localiser” app, by clicking the + icon, as a tab of the Entry editor 

    • You can change the order of the tabs by dragging the added light blue sections on the right

  • Click on the “Fields” tab and create a field with ID localiserStorage of type JSON

    • Click “create and configure”

    • On the bottom-left under “Field options” mark the checkbox “localisation is enabled”

    • Click “appearance” and select the “A-sync localiser” app

    • Press the green confirm button

  • Back in the “fields” tab click on the three horizontal dots and click “Disable in response”

  • Click on the “Sidebar” tab and remove the light blue “Publish & Status” and “Versions” sections on the right by clicking on the x icon. The A-sync Localiser App manages these functionalities 

  • Click the green “Save” button 

  • Open an existing or create a new Entry and you will find the “A-sync localiser” app to the left or right hand side of your “Entry editor” tab

a-sync localiser app screenshot 1.jpg
a-sync localiser app screenshot 2.jpg