Contentful is an infrastructure for creating and managing content, backed by the tools for delivering it anywhere.

With Contentful, developers and editors can work simultaneously to ship digital products faster. It’s future-proof and cloud-native. No matter the content, no matter the platform — Contentful delivers.

To break it down, content infrastructure unites content into one place while still keeping it flexible. Developers get a cloud-native, API-centric platform that’s simple to streamline and customize. Editors get a simple web app that lets them write or upload any content without having to go back to developers for every change.

Contentful is part of the Digital Experience Stack (DXS), which includes Optimizely, Atlassian, AWS and more. They help companies with buying and assembling the best software solutions in a lean, tailored, pay-as-you-go model.

Each member specializes in a specific layer of the modern development stack, where Contentful provides the content infrastructure layer. This allows companies to fully integrate with all vendors and to deliver consistent high quality across the board.

A content infrastructure should maximise the value of your content and support efficiency. Step away from standalone content that is tangled up in code. With Contentful you can now create content once and publish it everywhere. It’s easily accessible for all stakeholders and helps your marketing strategy with localized and tailor made content across devices with minimum effort. Do you want to embrace a state-of-the-art content infrastructure? Get in touch.