Lucia Kamau
Marketing Consultant
5 min read
January 8, 2025
Partnership in times of crisis
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A partnership in Africa between two Dutch companies. "Why right now?" You may wonder. The answer is local impact. Due to the global crisis and imposed travel restrictions, many international companies are concentrating more on the development in their home markets. As a result, they take a step back in the emerging markets. Financial Access and Incentro do the opposite.
Partnership in times of crisis
Especially in times of crisis, they sign a strategic partnership to support African banks. A vulnerable group, for which they have created a fintech platform: LendXS. Together the partners prepare for the post-corona period and respond to the great need for financing within the African rural market. Right now, they are joining forces.
Challenges for farmers and credit risk for banks
African financial institutions help to provide financing for the agricultural sector. Sounds great, right? This is exactly what Financial Access is involved in: advising banks on providing financing for farmers and small agricultural businesses. Indeed, there is a large gap between the supply and demand for financing. Few banks are willing to provide credit in this sector because they simply find the risk too great. This while farmers and their families, now more than ever, need financing. The corona crisis is severely disrupting food chains in Africa, reducing the amount of import for food and increasing pressure on farmers to maintain national food supplies. Unfortunately, the corona crisis is not the only danger for them, the recent locust plagues and floods in Eastern Africa are also a major threat. Therefore, access to finance is crucial for farmers so that they can continue to produce.The solution? LendXS. Thanks to this new fintech platform by Financial Access, relevant financial data about farmers is collected in an app. This data is then extensively analyzed and digital risk profiles of farmers are developed based on this. These profiles are used by banks in assessing the creditworthiness of these farmers and/or agricultural companies. This way, LendXS enables banks to provide more loans to the sector, with sufficient information, at lower costs, and with less credit risk. Climate risks for these farmers (such as floods and drought) are also included in these digital credit profiles.
We understand the market, and because of our financial background and broad knowledge of emerging markets, we know the needs and challenges of banks in these markets through and through. Due to the corona crisis, credit risks are increasing and the need for reliable data for banks will only increase. LendXS helps banks with this.Eelko Bronkhorst - Financial Access
Post-corona preparation: the need to go digital
During the corona crisis, many bank employees were forced to work from home. This creates 1) a great need for better and faster digital processes and communication, and 2) a strong demand to collaborate better online. Due to this lack of digitization and automation, smaller financial institutions, in Africa in particular, are struggling to adapt to the crisis and prepare for the new normal. Because how can you prioritize when you are in survival mode?
Banks are trying to survive during this crisis; they are mainly looking to safeguard their liquidity, and they are concerned about the repayment of their loans and the creditworthiness of their customers. But what are the long-term consequences? At the moment, too little thought is being put into this, while timely intervention becomes very important. To prepare well for the post-corona era is essential. Banks are facing completely new challenges, they will have to prepare well and make the right decisions to get out of this crisis healthy. LendXS is a platform that helps banks with this.
The 4 pillars of LendXS
The LendXS fintech products that Financial Access and Incentro are developing, help financial institutions to attract new customers, provide loans at lower risks and costs. The main solutions that LendXS offers banks are:
- Operational cost control. Due to the corona crisis, more companies will go bankrupt and banks' revenues will decrease. As a result, banks are forced to focus more on optimizing internal processes and cost control.
- Credit risk assessment. Assessing credit risks is extremely important right now. Data allows us to better estimate these risks and monitor loan repayment more thoroughly, thereby limiting future credit losses.
- Optimize customer acquisition. By using the digital tools of LendXS, acquisition processes can be accelerated and made cheaper.
- Strengthen customer relationships. Customers are expecting better communication and want to stay informed. LendXS enables banks to communicate digitally and strengthen the customer relationship.
Partners in crime… ehrm, crisis
The strategic cooperation between Financial Access and Incentro is of great value, especially now. On the one hand, because customers are demanding innovative software solutions now, and on the other hand, to be able to strive for a common interest and to realize more impact for our customers during this difficult time. By bringing our expertise together, we can create local value.
The partnership with Financial Access is not only a way to serve our customers even better, but also a way to do meaningful work. This is how we create real local impact with our solutions.
Dennis de Weerd - Managing Director at Incentro
We will not look the other way
Because of the unpredictability of this time, it becomes relevant to join forces and make a difference. By operating globally locally, we will make an impact with our software. This way we create opportunities and jobs for the local market.
Curious about the technology we have created with Financial Access to help farmers in Africa? We are happy to tell you more.
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